Please have jungle sounds, or a ASMR nature loop, thumping in the background. Take about 2 minutes to absorb the music, be transported, before starting.
  1. Inhale and exhale deeply—with your head bobbing, your neck projecting in a circular motion—for a minute.
  2. Envision a desired goal, resolution, or feeling at the completion of each circle.
  3. Take a deep breath, then:
    • writhe around on the floor like a snake (for 1 min)—holding your breath
      • exhale
      • Inhale
      • Try to sync your movements with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
    • dash back and forth furtively, and quickly, like a jaguar (for 45 s)—holding your breath
      • exhale
      • Inhale
      • Try to sync your movements with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
    • climbing like a gorilla (for 30 s)—holding your breath
      • exhale
      • Inhale
      • Try to sync your movements with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
    • flap your arms, "wings," like a cockatoo and hop around the space (for 15 s)—holding your breath
      • exhale, then rest (for 5 s)
      • Try to sync your movement with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
  4. Take a deep breathe and exhale--repeat 5 times

a) Write a short poem, no more than 5 lines, about the "adventure" you just had from the perspective of 1 of the animals above.
b) Draw a short storyboard, 3 to 6 scenes, about how you'll realize your goal or what your life will be when you have that feeling.

Switch positions, now serving as the facilitator, and repeat the sequence with your partner.
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