Please have jungle sounds, or a ASMR nature loop, thumping in the background. Take about 2 minutes to absorb the music, be transported, before starting.
- Inhale and exhale deeply—with your head bobbing, your neck projecting in a circular motion—for a minute.
- Envision a desired goal, resolution, or feeling at the completion of each circle.
- Take a deep breath, then:
- writhe around on the floor like a snake (for 1 min)—holding your breath
- exhale
- Inhale
- Try to sync your movements with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
- dash back and forth furtively, and quickly, like a jaguar (for 45 s)—holding your breath
- exhale
- Inhale
- Try to sync your movements with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
- climbing like a gorilla (for 30 s)—holding your breath
- exhale
- Inhale
- Try to sync your movements with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
- flap your arms, "wings," like a cockatoo and hop around the space (for 15 s)—holding your breath
- exhale, then rest (for 5 s)
- Try to sync your movement with the sounds or rhythm of the music playing.
- Take a deep breathe and exhale--repeat 5 times
a) Write a short poem, no more than 5 lines, about the "adventure" you just had from the perspective of 1 of the animals above.b) Draw a short storyboard, 3 to 6 scenes, about how you'll realize your goal or what your life will be when you have that feeling.