The Organic Ingredients You Need
Beauty companies are rolling out all kinds of new products these days, promising your most "radiant skin," your "softest hair," and all kinds of other miracles. But, which ingredients are truly effective, and planet-powered? We'll take a look at a some of these below.  


These foods have been proven to contribute to hair strength and growth.
  • Protein: Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are key in nourishing hair cells, to prevent excess shedding, and maintaining the scalp, which is fundamental to healthy hair growth. Fish and white meat—salmon, chicken, and turkey, for example—and nuts—particularly almonds, cashews, and walnuts—are some of the best protein sources. Of course, be mindful of allergies. 
  • Non-restrictive dieting: Despite how much time we spend on it, our hair is not a high priority for our body; so, in the event of caloric restriction, hair loss is among the first results. Having a healthy, balanced diet—complete with good fats (particularly, polyunsaturated fats), high potassium (which can be obtained through bananas), and abundant proteins (lean meats and nuts, once you are not allergic)—is the best way to optimize your hair's growth and strength. You may also want to consider integrating lemon oil and pumpkin-seed oil into your diet, which have been shown to promote hair growth, and treating yourself to scalp massages, which can improve scalp circulation, further facilitating hair growth. 
  • Cedar oil: Specifically, eastern red cedar oil, has been shown to stimulate blood flow and aid in optimizing the scalp's immune health. Additionally, cedar oil has been shown to prevent the development of acne and dandruff, and increase the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. With these benefits, studies have indicated that cedar oil can promote some hair restoration, in the event of alopecia.
As we can discern from above, optimized scalp health, and overall physical health, are pivotal to getting the hair you've always wanted. 


The following nutrients and foods have been shown to promote skin health.
  • Beta Carotene: This vital ingredient is the essential component of carrots, and other yellow, orange, and leafy-green vegetables. Essentially, the more vibrant a food is, the more beta carotene it contains. Vitamin A, to which beta carotene is converted in the body, helps in the repair and maintenance of the skin, grants substantial antioxidant support, and aids in preventing wrinkles and other forms of ageing. 
  • Oats: Consuming oats—particularly, unprocessed and unrefined oats—is among the best ways to care for your skin. In fact, colloidal oatmeal is FDA approved to treat eczema, psoriasis, and other chronic skin ailments. Apparently, the benefits of oats go way beyond breakfast. How do you get colloidal oatmeal? The easiest way is to make it yourself. Just pick up oatmeal—no "instant" or "quick"—from your favorite grocery store, and grind it into fine powder. Add a little water to make spreading easier. 
  • Bakuchi Oil: This is one about which you may not have heard; but, you'll be happy you finally have. Bakuchi oil—also known as babchi oil—has been used to successfully treat eczema, psoriasis, and certain lymphomas. However, to be truly eco-friendly, you must use psoralea corylifolia. Other babchi seed oils are created through an intensive industrial, and far from carbon-neutral, process. Babchi oil is as effective, if not more effective, than retinol, without the irritation that can result from the synthetic form of vitamin A.
The above foods are relatively easy to obtain, and can conveniently be added to our diets.


When considering wellness—namely, physical and mental well-being—we want to take into account gut health and anti-inflammatories, specifically, foods that are rich in antioxidants. To improve your gut health, ensure your diet features a substantial level of probiotics, which can be found in low or non-fat, and sugar-free, yogurt; sauerkraut; kimchi; miso; kefir; tempeh; kombucha; and any other fermented food. If it's difficult to add fermented foods, regularly, to your diet, taking a probiotic supplement is a good alternative. Regarding anti-inflammatories, turmeric, ginger, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, tomatoes, berries, leafy-green vegetables, olive oil, avocado oil, tomatoes, and berries have all been shown to help in regulating mood and metabolism, because of their potent antioxidant stores. Optimized physiology contributes to our mental health, and overall sense of wellness. 

We didn't talk about all the ingredients here, but the choices above are excellent ways to start. With these organic foods, you'll be doing good while you're looking good.


Cobb, C. (2020). 10 best ways to boost hair growth.

Feiereisen, S. (2017). The 8 best natural ingredients for your skin.

Gardner, W. (2022). Bakuchiol & babchi.

Guy, L. (2022). Benefits of beta-carotene for skin health.

Kurtz, E.S & Wallo, W. (2007). Colloidal oatmeal: history, chemistry and clinical properties.

Mount Sinai—Icahn School of Medicine. (2022). Beta-carotene.

Piedmont Healthcare. (2022). Good-mood foods: What to eat for mental health.

Staughton, J. (2020). 9 best essential oils for hair growth.

Wartenberg, L. What is colloidal oatmeal? Benefits, uses, and safety.


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