Chemotherapy drugs destroy cancer cells by arresting their growth and division. The treatment has long been marked by its effectiveness. In a study of metastatic prostate cancer patients, the survival rate among those receiving chemotherapy was 76% versus 70% for those receiving other treatments (Hoeh et al., 2021). Though chemotherapy may be the predominant cancer treatment, particularly in early stages following diagnosis, studies indicate that it may be most effective when used in conjunction with other treatments, particularly surgical resection and homeopathic care. For example, elderly, stage-IV-colorectal-cancer patients who opted for surgical resection, rather than chemotherapy, as their inital treatment had a higher risk of mortality (Mehta et al., 2017). Similarly, stage-IV-colorectal-cancer patients who underwent resection of the primary tumor had improved median survival compared to patients treated with chemotherapy exclusively (22 months vs 13 months) (Maroney et al., 2018). Common side effects of therapy—including hot flashes, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and radiodermatitis  (a skin reaction caused by external beam radiation)—are all substantially ameliorated by homeopathic treatment (Rossi et al., 2023). Homeopathic adjuvant cancer treatments—treatments provided after primary treatment to minimize the chance of cancer relapse—proved effective as concurrent, curative, and supportive treatments across breast; cervical; gallbladder; liver; lung; oral; pancreatic; periampullary (with respect to the region of the body including the ampulla, duodenum, pancreas, and bile duct); skin; and stomach cancers (Nwanodi, 2017), Chemotherapy's potency in killing cancer cells and preventing them from growing and dividing frequently harms healthy cells as they serve to create cells and drive cell regeneration. The destruction of healthy cells contributes to many of the side effects experienced during chemotherapy treatment. 

  • Preeminent record of efficacy
  • Can cure cancer and, at the very least, control spread
  • Reduces metastasis
  • Effectiveness across cancer types and range of cancer phases
  • Decrease risk of cancer relapse or recurrence
  • Improved quality of life
Chemotherapy Options
  • Swallowing a pill or drinking liquid
  • Injections in muscle or under skin
  • Application to your skin
Cells Most Susceptible to Damage by Chemo
  • Blood-forming cells in bone marrow
  • Hair follicles
  • Cells contained in the mouth, digestive tract, and reproductive system
Other Risks
  • Heart damage
  • Neurological damage
  • Fertility issues

Works Consulted

Hoeh, B., Würnschimmel, C., Flammia, R.S., Horlemann, B., Sorce, G., Chierigo, F., Tian, Z., Saad, F., Graefen, M., Gallucci, M., Briganti, A., Terrone, C., Shariat, S.F., Tilki, D., Kluth, L.A., Mandel, P., Chun, F.K.H., Karakiewicz, P.I. (2020). Effect of chemotherapy on overall survival in contemporary prostate cancer patients. Frontiers in Oncology, 11, 778858. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.778858

Maroney, S., De Paz, C.C., Reeves, M.E., Garberoglio, C., Raskin, E., Senthil, M., Namm, J.P., & Solomon, N. (2018). Benefit of surgical resection of the primary tumor in patients undergoing chemotherapy for stage IV colorectal cancer with unresected metastasis. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 22(3), 460-466.

Mehta, H.B., Vargas, G.M., Adhikari, D., Dimou, F., & Riall, T.S. (2017). Comparative effectiveness of chemotherapy versus resection of the primary tumor as the initial treatment in older patients with stage IV colorectal cancer. Colorectal Disease, 19(6), O210-O218. doi: 10.1111/codi.13659

Nwanodi, O.B. (2017). Homeopathy: Curative, concurrent, and supportive cancer treatment potential. Journal of Integrative Oncology, 6(3), 1000194. doi: 10.4172/2329-6771.1000194

Rossi, E., Noberasco, C., Picchi, M., Di Stefano, M., Nurra, L., Rossi, A., & Ventura, L. (2018). Homeopathy and complementary integrative medicine, dietary and lifestyle advices to reduce adverse-effects of anti-cancer therapy: A cohort study with breast cancer patients. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 3(3), 017. doi: 10.21926/obm.icm.1803017

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