The BLAST Framework is a mindful, whole-food, and activity lifestyles which blends evidenced-based diet plans and cognitive approaches toward battling overweight and obesity and establishing sustainable, pro-growth health. 

  • B: burning fat
  • L: longevity
  • A: activated energy conversion
  • S: sustained weight loss and wellness
  • T: time for reflection and reformd

This phased weight-loss intervention delivers accelerated weight-loss provided by the ketogenic diet—typified by high-fat, high-protein, and low-carbohydrate meals that initiate ketogenesis, the biochemical process that yields ketone bodies upon breakdown of fatty acids and ketogenic acids kickstarting weight reduction (Hall et al., 2016)—in the first two weeks; the foundation for enduring weight loss, continual wellness, and extended life by the Paleolithic and Mediterranean diets—typified by low-cholesterol, low-sugar, high-protein, and whole, unprocessed, meal options (Fraczek et al., 2021; Freedhoff & Hall, 2016; Godos et al., 2024; Richard, Couture, Desroches, & Lamarche, 2013)—for up to another seven weeks; the promotion of brown fat—which enables the body's consistently optimized energy conversion mechanisms through fasting and sequenced eating (smaller portions throughout the day), an emphasis on plant-based meals, and consistent challenge for propelling mental, physical, and spiritual growth (Robinson, Law, Symonds, & Budge, 2016; Sidossis & Kajimara, 2015)—from the end of the Paleolithic/Mediterranean diet forward; and, the impetus for improved lifestyle approaches through mindful eating—typified by linking eating to authentic hunger rather than emotional responses, considering the nutritional value of foods before consumption, and making eating a dedicated time of reflection (Dalen et al., 2010)—and giving back to the community.

The Blast Framework is more than a diet; it is a dynamic commitment.


Dalen, J., Smith, B.W., Shelley, B.M., Sloan, A.L., Leahigh, L., & Begay, D. (2010). Pilot study | Mindful eating and living (MEAL): Weight, eating behavior, and psychological outcomes associated with a mindfulness-based intervention for people with obesity. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 18(6), 260-164.

Fraczek, B., Pieta, A., Burda, A., Mazur-Kurach, P., & Tyrala, F. (2021). Paleolithic diet—Effect on the health status and performance of athletes? Nutrients, 13(3), 1019.

Freedhoff, Y. & Hall, K.D. (2016). Weight loss diet studies: We need help not hype. The Lancet, 388(10047), 849-851. 

Godos, J., Scazzina, F., Castello, C.P., Giamperi, F., Quiles, J.L., Urbano, M.B., Battino, M., Galvano, F., Iacoviello, L., de Gaetano, G., Bonaccio, M., & Grosso, G. (2024). Journal of Translational Medicine, 22(2024), 294.

Hall, K.D., Chen, K.Y., Guo, J., Lam, Y.Y Leibel, R.L., Mayer, L.E.S., Reitman, M.L., Rosenbaum, M., Smith, S.R., Walsh, B.T., & Ravussin, E. (2016). Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104(2), 324-333.

Richard, C., Couture, P., Desroches, S., & Lamarche, B. (2013). Effect of the Mediterranean diet with and without weight loss on markers of inflammation in men with metabolic syndrome. Obesity, 21(1), 51-57.

Robinson, L.J., Law, M.J., Symonds, M.E., & Budge, H. (2016). Brown adipose tissue activation as measured by infrared thermography by mild anticipatory psychological stress in lean healthy females. Experimental Physiology, 101(4), 549-557.

Sidossis, L. & Kajimura, S. (2015). Brown and beige fat in humans: Thermogenic adipocytes that control energy and glucose homeostasis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 125(2), 478-486.
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